Garage door windows are one of the things to add to beautify you house. Simply said, they look amazing, but you will have some downsides. Read on to learn a few of the pros and cons regarding these add-ons.
Should You Have Garage Door Windows?
Garage door windows, you’ve seen them in just about every home living magazine out there, but are they really as great as they make them sound to be? Although they are no doubt aesthetically pleasing to look at, they do come with a few downsides. Therefore, the following includes some of the pros and cons of installing windows.
Pros of Garage Windows
Perhaps one of the most common reasons why people choose to add on windows to their garage is due to the fact that they look incredible. Add that on with the natural lighting they offer, and you have more than enough benefits to justify the add-on. A bonus of garage door windows is that they can also increase your property’s overall value. The addition increases the curb appeal of your home and thus is more likely to be chosen by potential home buyers when you do decide to sell. You may want to contact a garage door installation Fresno company to ensure that the proper windows are installed as you want your end-results to be amazing.
Cons of Windows
Although their beauty is certainly something to admire, garage door windows can quickly provide more headaches than benefits. Let’s begin with the obvious, and that is damage. Because garages are usually very busy areas, you may find yourself having to replace a broken window or two. The good news is that garage windows are pretty common and easy to install, but you will have to bear the cost. Next is the potential burglary risk. Adding windows to your garage allows potential thieves to peer inside and look at all your valuables, including where to access your home. Lastly is the issue with energy loss. Glass is not the best insulator and can cause you to lose valuable energy during the summer and winter months, which of course, can then lead to higher utility bills.