How Garage Updates Could Contribute to Home Insurance Savings
According to Zillow, the average rate for home insurance in the United States is about $35 per month per $100,000 of your home’s value. If you’re like most homeowners in Fresno, you want rates to be as reasonable as possible. One way to enjoy added home insurance savings you may not be aware of is to make certain improvements to your garage and its door, like the ones mentioned below.
A Secure Garage Can Lead to Home Insurance Savings
If you have an attached garage with an inside entrance to your home, having a garage that’s more secure is one way to lower home insurance rates. The main reason this is often true is because thieves typically consider a weak garage door an easier entry point than a secure front or back door. One way to address this issue is with updated garage door locks and/or high-tech security features like smart locks and controls.
Adding Insulation to Your Garage and Its Door Could Contribute to Savings
Insurance companies are often willing to reward homeowners that go the extra mile to make their home more energy efficient. One way to do this is with garage updates that involve replacing ineffective or worn insulation. Also, look for gaps in insulation you already have in place in your garage. Insulation can also be installed behind your garage door’s panels. New weatherstripping around your garage door can further minimize air transfer.
Being Diligent about Garage Door Repair May Help You Save as Well
Another way to snag some much-appreciated home insurance savings is by reaching out to local pros specializing in garage door repair in Fresno. Part of the reason for this is because a garage door that’s functioning properly and aesthetically pleasing can improve your home’s overall value and boost its curb appeal. A properly repaired garage door also minimizes safely and security risks.