Troubleshooting Tips for a Malfunctioning Garage Door
Picture this; you’re climbing into your car ready to start a new day at work when suddenly you notice that your garage door is acting odd. You hear a metallic noise, the door struggles to climb, and it seems that it’s becoming stuck within the metal tracks above. Although you might never experience these all at the same time, these are common issues homeowners face from time to time. So, how can you fix these issues when they arrive? Here are a few tips for when you come across a malfunctioning garage door.
Powerless Remote Opener
A common issue homeowners face is not having a working garage door opener. Thus, the first thing you should do is make sure that your garage’s motor is plugged in. Kids and pets love to run around the garage, and one of them could have disconnected my mistake. If that has been checked and you are still experiencing a malfunctioning garage door, then your next step is to check your breakers. Lastly, if all other attempts have failed, then you might have a burnt-out motor. If this is the case, you must seek the services of a garage door repair Fresno company in order to correct the issue. Make sure to add this to your yearly maintenance checklist in order to prevent future issues with your motor from arising.
Garage Door Won’t Close Fully
If you are experiencing a garage door that is functioning correctly but has trouble closing fully, then you might have an issue with your close-limit switch. This switch is installed into garage door motors in order to prevent kids and animals from being crushed while it’s closing. The issue here is that your close-limit switch might be set wrong. Other types of garage doors utilize sensors at the sides of the doors. Make sure that these are not being blocked by objects or parts from the garage door itself.